Saturday, January 14, 2017


The Artistic Thought Process

This quarter for my e-Communication class I am in graphic design. For our first assignment we were to draw in our sketchbook what we thought graphic design was. When ever I think of graphic design logos and advertisements come to mind, so in my sketchbook I included many logos and apps. I included this because we see them everyday whether that be in the form of an app on our phones like Instagram and YouTube or on clothes like Adidas and Nike. In my sketch you can see the logos for Adidas, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, the Apple Music app, Chipotle, and the e-Communication program at ONW. Not only did I draw company logos I also drew a band logo and a couple colleges. I added the logo of the band Oh Wonder since this is a form of branding that basically all bands have. I also drew the name and symbol mostly associated with New York University and the University of Southern California. I drew these colleges because they are a couple of colleges I'm interested in going to after high school. These are also examples of logos/branding because these things are used in association with each college, so people would be able to recognize each college. Along with logos and apps I used some typography. This can be seen in the Oh Wonder logo, the NYU, and the "soccer" I wrote. I used typography so you would see the words clearly and what some of the pictures were, I wrote out the soccer so you could understand a little bit more about me. I added everything in my picture because in one away or another they represent what graphic design is and you are able to recognize what each logo is for.

7 Keys To Success

Before I started sketching my design I learned about the key elements to graphic design. These elements are: lines, color, texture, size, shape, space, and value. You can see examples of these elements in my sketch. The only lines I really incorporated into my sketch were the outlines of the logos, due to this fact most of my lines were straight with the exception of the curves in the Adidas logo, some letters, etc. Although most of the lines are visible, the YouTube logo and "soccer" are
forming a diagonal line due to the position they were drawn in. Overall, my sketch contained several different kinds of lines. I used a variety of color in this project ranging from blacks to whites. The colors really just determined on what the logo had but this gave my project many different colors. I choose grey as the background color since I thought it would make everything pop a little more. The different colors also lead to different values being used as well. The value correlates to how dark or light something is. The different values I used ranged from a very dark black used in the Adidas logo to just pure white in the Oh Wonder logo. I also used value to blend or fade colors in the Instagram and Apple Music logo. For texture, however, I didn't really use a lot of it. I mainly just tried to keep everything smooth so it would be pleasant to look at since there was so much on the page. The size of everything I drew varied in size. The items that I thought were the most important were a bigger size and the least important ones were smaller. The different sizes also made the drawing more interesting to look at. The different sizes also helped fill up the space on the page while leaving enough breathing room in between each drawing. I filled the space quite well, leaving little white space so the viewer does not get bored. I used shape to fit the logos in but I tried my best to get the shape of the original logo right and not really change anything. shapes also made the drawing interesting because it gave the viewer several different things to look at. All of these elements are important in graphic design.

New Experiences, New Enjoyments

Overall I really enjoyed the sketching process. I found drawing and coloring very relaxing and being able to draw what ever I liked was really cool since I had complete creative freedom. Although, at times, drawing could be frustrating because sometimes I couldn't draw something exactly like I wanted. I especially liked having to figure out what had to go where to make the drawing look good and adding color to it which seemed to bring the drawing alive. Through this new experience I learned some new skills and something else that I like doing and that helps me relax.