Saturday, March 4, 2017


Good, Better, Best

To start off creating my logo I had to sketch three different ideas that i thought represented me and thought would look good in all sorts of media templets and situations. My first sketch I thought would look good as a YouTube channel header. I got the SSH from my last initial and my middle initial being switched around. Then I though SSH would be associated with something dark so I created a candle on the left hand side go the drawing and then created a gradient starting at white and going toward black starting at the candle. I didn't finish coloring because half way through I realized this logo didn't represent anything about other than my initials. I then move to my second sketch which consisted of a crown with and S in it to represent my name. I came up with the crown because one of my nicknames is Sophia The First after the title of the Disney Junior TV show of the same name. The font my S is in is also I play off of the font that is used in the Disney logo. Disney movies and shows have always been  big part of life so I decided to do a Disney Inspired logo. My last sketch a mouth with the tongue sticking out with and S on it to represent my first name. I was inspired to create a mouth because it reminds me of on of my favorite movies The Rocky Horror Picture Show and the opening scene where a pair of lips sign the opening number. Another inspiration of mine was classic Hollywood with the red lips and the font of my S is kind of in a vintage type font. This logo took the most time to sketch because I knew I wanted this to be my logo. I am represented in this logo because I am a very vocal person and using words is how I create new friends, strengthen my relationships with people, and how I express my feelings and my affection for people. I also went with an old Hollywood type theme because I want to work in Hollywood and make movies as my career.

Bringing an Idea To Life

Once I had picked the sketch I wanted for my logo it was time to recreate it in Illustrator. Doing this was difficult because lips are such and unique shape and you have to get the proportions just right. I ended spending the entire first day on Illustrator drawing and erasing the outline of the lips and had nothing done at the end of the day. Throughout the next couple of days I finally had a finished product. On the last day of working in Illustrator I finished up my logo by making the lines as smooth as possible, making sure it was as symmetrical as possible, and that the tongue looked like a tongue. Overall, I really liked my logo and how it turned out. The only thing I would change about it would be the lack of details in the tongue and lips. I also feel like the logo represents me because of the details in the previous paragraph and can also be used on different media platforms. My logo would fit nicely in a Instagram or Twitter profile picture slot, clothes, phone cases, on TV, on the big screen, and many other places. I am very happy with the logo I have created and can not wait to use it throughout my life.