Monday, December 17, 2018


My Semester Works
Short Film- 100,000 Likes

This project had multiple parts. The first one was that all of us had to write a script for a short film idea that we would then share with the class. Th scripts would be voted on to see what one would be our feature film and the others could be used for our shorts. Once everyone had a script written we shared them the class and talked through how they would play out if they were to be a feature or elaborate on the short film script. I had written two different for this assignment because I had two different ideas, I presented the first one to the class because it was say favorite and I felt so strongly and excited about it and seemed like the others did as well. Unfortunately though I was unable to do it, so I went with my other script, it was good but my heart just wasn't in it like the other one. The script that I ended up going with was about a teenage vlogger who is vlogging her day while being stalked. The stalker is noticeable enough for the audience to see but not the main character. This film could be best described as a comedy with a little sprinkle of horror. Due to the time constraint of the project we had to modify the script to a different setting to allow us to film in two days. My group and I overall did a really good job with the time, getting filming done in two days and having four to five days to edit, getting the whole thing done in about a week which as the time allowed, allow us to make it the best film we could. I learned that even though you may face some backs and be told you did something you didn't you still have to push through and produce the best work you can, as well as adding to my knowledge that teamwork makes the dream work and being to collaborate and communicate is key. Casting can make or break a film is also something I learned. The feedback we received from the film are to keep it all in the vlog perspective and to hide the stalker a little more because he was a little to obvious but they also said it was hilarious and a good watch. 
Music Video- Unofficial Official Talia Music Video

This project is one of my favorites, tis one and 100,000 Likes. The assignment was to find a song and create a new music video for it, not recreate one like we did last year. This gave us so much freedom and with a music video you can make anything, whether it be just an aesthetic video or have a story that creates a lot of emotion. The night we got the assignment and groups I went home and just went through so many songs, seeing what ones would hit me with ideas. Then, in my massive search, I listened to Talia by King Princess, and immediately I had a clear vision and idea of what I though the music video should like and the story it would tell. The next day I came into class with a clear vision to share with my team and get their thoughts, everybody was onboard except one person who just wasn't seeing it. To make sure we weren't limiting our choices we spent the next two days looking at songs together but nothing was hitting us as hard as Talia, even though the one person was still kind of iffy we needed a video idea and went with it. We then spent the rest of the week doing Pre-Production, creating beat sheets, film scapes, casting, costumes, etc. ,since I already had a pretty clear vision Pre-Production wasn't to hard. That weekend we went out and shot everything in a single day, this was themes stressful part. We had to make sure we got all the shots we needed in two hours at the beach and then in about an hour and a half in the bedroom. The lights we used in the bedroom were another obstacle because no gels came with them so I had to make my own by using food wrap and markers. We then also only had one working stand so two lights had to be held. The entirety of filming was a mess but the shots and overall video turned out really good and I'm proud of it. Editing was fun because we didn't really have an editor, we all edited together, throwing ideas and getting help from each other. I learned that you're not going to be able to make everyone happy and that telling people no in a nice way is something I need to work on but it's something that is going to need to be done. Overall we got pretty positive feedback, just some minor focusing issues here and there. 
Commercial- iPhone Commercial 

Oh the iPhone commercial. What to say. This video was a mess, straight up just not good, I am not proud of it. This commercial had a lot of potential and I had a really good image of what it could have been in my head and it was just not executed well. The assignment was to create a 30 second to a minute commercial for a product, simple right. My group and I decided to an iPhone because there commercial are always really bright, clean, and cool, like what we were imagining for our commercial to look like. We start Pre-Production once we chose our product and everything was coming together, my team and I were really excited. In Production our communication is just not good, we are very awkward around each other and I don't express how I am feeling about shots and how bad some are looking because I am to scared and for some I wasn't even there. I don't even know how to describe filming because the whole thing was a mess and really stressful and I did not have fun. Editing was then really hard because the shots were bad to the point where I could only so much to fix them and where we had to reshoot some. the bad shots then made it to where no matter what order  put them in the story didn't seem as clean and coherent because the shots didn't look that way. Overall this project maybe took two weeks and the whole thing was a challenge. Thankfully I was able to learn a lot from it like having to speak up when I think something doesn't look good and can be fixed as well as voicing my opinion on song choice. Nobody liked our video, one of the only positive comments we got was the diversity of the cast and that didn't have anything to with the video just who was in it. I would not do this again.

Semester Summary

Overall the only thing I would change is the iPhone commercial, I would change the whole thing, start to finish. My other two project I am really proud of and happy to share with people but my iPhone commercial is not something I would willing share. I worked with a lot of great people, learned new things, and made new friends, these are things I would not change ever. I think 100,000 Likes is the best video I produced this semester with the iPhone commercial obviously being last. I really felt like I was able to do something I wanted to do when producing 100,000 Likes and was just able to go crazy with creativity, it turned out just how I imagined. I feel the same way with my music video but there could be somethings that didn't turn out quiet how I wanted, and we know how I feel about the commercial. Overall this semester was pretty solid, we just had a rocky start.

The Clock Is Ticking

I used my time in class very well, planning out what needed to get done that day to stay on schedule to the video done by the due date. I used a much time as possible in class working on Pre-Production and editing to keep the video on track. If I got done early I would work on the travel videos I am working on, client work I have, or the blog posts we have assigned, there is not a class time where I am not not working or where I don'y have anything I could be working on. I also watch tutorials on editing and filming skills that I can apply to my projects. If I had an extra hour for a project I would go through nitpick all the details and fix anything that could be improved to keep working and to make the project even better. Outside of class I watch a lot of movies and take notice of things they do and if I like it or not, I use movies not just for entertainment but to learn as well. I also think of other short film and video ideas and work on getting them ready to produce to keep my creative juices flowing.

Imperfections and Perfections

One thing I am really good at is having a clear vision and eye for detail. I know exactly what I want and how I want it as well as having a good eye for filming and editing, knowing what a good shot is and what isn't as well as knowing how to put together a strong video in Post. My editing skills are also the skills I am proudest of and I am working on building up my cinematography skills. The areas I need support in on are my abilities to vocalize and explain what I am imagining because it is really hard for me to describe what I am thinking in a detailed, clear way that others can understand what I am seeing. My communication, collaboration and leadership skills are really strong though.


All the guest speakers told me what makes a good video in different ways, Gordon focused on effects and filming and story plot. This allowed me to understand how to create a strong story and then how to use a camera and some effects to bring that to life, he also gave a little incite into what the business is like. Brandon gave a youthful out look into what it's like in the world of advertisement video, how to reach out and work with clients, as well as what makes a good advertisement video. This was really cool to see such a young guy already reach such great heights. Drew showed me how to establish characters and how important they are to the story, without good characters and development you don't have a good story. He was cool to listen to because he had just graduated and had been in the exactly the same spot I'm in and had a good understanding. Overall I learned a lot of great lessons from all the speakers and I'm excited to apply them to own works.

The Big Screen

My role in the feature film is First Assistant Camera (1st AC). I am really excited have this role. I will be able to bring the knowledge of how to create a spooky and thriller style atmosphere using a camera due to watching and paying attention to skills used in horror and thrillers movies to create a tense and scared feeling in people. I am excited to bring in fresh camera shots and movements into a plot this can be seen as generic and make the movie stand amount the others. I will execute this role well by working closely with the Director of Photography (DP) as well as the director and assistant director to make sure the film will turn out amazing. I will be present and hard working on set and speak up when I have a shot idea that could enhance the scene but I wouldn't go off and film whatever I want. Overall, I will work my butt off in the position.

Half Way Done

The thing I loved most about this semester is making new friends and getting to know everyone in the class. I also really enjoyed being able to make a film from writing the script to being apart of the editing process, I really seeing my idea be produced from the very beginning and being able to lead my team through every part. I would have wanted to have different groups or groups that were drastically different because I found myself working with the same people for every project except maybe one or two people. I am taking away a lot of new technical skills as well as having my collaboration, communication, leadership and overall professional skills stronger and more developed, I am not afraid to speak up when I have an idea or something to say. I want to improve my camera skills, work with my new people, and do more outside of school work, those are my goals for next year. I have no final thoughts except I hate blogs.