Monday, September 24, 2018


The Task at Hand

The project we were assigned to do was to create a music video for a song. In the creation process of our music video we were set out to find already existing music videos to gain inspiration from. We had chosen the song "Talia" by King Princess to create a music video. The idea we had for the video was that we would have one set of scenes take place in a darker color scheme and the other set take place in a lighter color scheme. I had already had a pretty good idea of what the lighter scenes were going to look like but I need a visual video to show how the darker scenes were going to look like. On my search I found the music video for The Weekends song "Call Out My Name". This video was exactly what I was looking for: the color scheme matched, the shots used, and the camera movement were what I was imagining but couldn't quiet explain in words. While I didn't exactly like the whole video, the parts I did like stuck with me enough to remember and use the video for a large part of my inspiration. (The Weekend. "The Weekend-Call Out My Name (Official Video)". Online video. Youtube. Youtube, 12 April 2018. Web. 24 September 2018).

Call Out My Name

The story of "Call Out My Name" centers around a break up and someone trying to get over it but is having a hard time. They portray this by having dark colors and never really bringing in any light shades. The camera movements also adds to the story because them not being stationary allows the viewer to feel the turmoil and energy that the person is feeling. There are also visuals and effects that are supposed to help depict the loneliness the person is going through and how they feel inside. Through the use of camera movements, colors, and effects, the "Call Out My Name"video is able to tell the story of someone not over a break up and is longing for the other person.

My Viewing Experience 

Overall, I throughly enjoyed the music video and was able to draw several pieces of inspiration from it. One of the biggest parts I pulled from this video, or at least tried to emulate, was the lower camera angle and the type of movement the camera had. This was one of the biggest ideas I had for the darker colored scheme part due to the mood and emotion it gave across. One thing that I saw in the video that I have already learned how to do is the coloring in the video not only in lights but also in post-production. One item that the video did was really well was using color and cinematography to capture and translate the mood that song and singer are conveying. The colors show the darker, sadder mood of the song while the camera movements shows all the twisted, confusing emotions and thoughts the person is having as well making the audience feel a little of it as well. However, I think it could be improved on toning down some of the effects because they got confusing and distracting at times.

This video really gave me some good ideas for my music videos and helped solidify some ideas that weren't fully put together.

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