Friday, May 17, 2019

Where is my Oscar?

Finding Our Subject

Right off the bat my group and I knew that we wanted to a mockumentary. One the sheet one of the topics that was suggested was "The War" and thought that it was so funny and we wanted to do something based off of that premise. After a little brainstorming we came up with making our mini doc about 'the war' between meat eaters and vegans.  Once we had this idea we already had ideas for who we wanted to be casted as our main actors, both who are naturally funny and play off each other so may group and I decided to create an outline of what we wanted to be said and the rest would be improved. Verifying the actors made our job easier by not having to write an entire script and more straight to storying boarding. During this time we naturally just fell into production with Cas as cinematographer, Miles as editor, Shelby as art director, and me as director. Storyboarding didn't take very long which allowed us to move into production fairly fast especially since we knew editing would take a while because Miles only has video 3rd hour. Filming was stressful because on the way to set one of our main actors told us he couldn't make it but luckily Cas was able to step into the role and I took over camera. The rest of the day went pretty smooth and it was a lot of fun. Post went smooth with Car becoming an editor as well working with Miles to order clips and find music and everything. After we finalized the video Cas and I worked on color correction and then I worked on audio. Overall the entire process went really well and the video turned out just how we wanted.


Throughout it, being in the director role, I worked on areas of the film learning new editing techniques like how to take out wind noise and how to color correct to make people look pretty and the shot more clear in post. I also learned how to adapt on the fly and how to communicate with several people over phone and keeping everyone on track and knowing whats going on. However, I learned that having everyones phone number would make connecting people easier and more efficient. But I was able to use my leadership and project management skills to make sure that the overall project was completed on time.

On to the Next Topic

For the majority I wouldn't change anything besides a few of the criticisms people gave the video. This is probably one if not my favorite project from this year both in the process and the finished product. I will use the experience to help me be a better leader and group member through my new communication skills and lessons as well as a better film maker with the new technical skills and what to look for and add to a film like this.

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