Sunday, August 28, 2016


The Start of Something New 

The other day I started a very interesting project in my e-Communication class. We had to design a flag with four other people that incorporated at least one color that represented us and a symbol that symbolized us. Every person choose a color and symbol and we had to put all of them in one flag and make it look nice. There was a catch, however. We were going to draw the flag out on the courtyard of my school with sidewalk chalk. Before we drew the flag with sidewalk chalk each group got together and discussed what colors and symbols represented each of us how we were going to put
them in a flag that looked pretty.

Decision Time

The colors that represented me the best were blue and orange since I am calm, joyful, creative and enthusiastic. My symbol was the torch that is used on the New York University flags and college clothes seeing as how I want to go there for my college education. The other people in my group chose the colors yellow, white, red, black and purple. Their symbols varied from a bird to a cross to a movie reel and a writing quill, so some how we had to put all of out colors and symbols onto a flag and make it look nice and neat. As brainstorming process started we first thought about how to arrange the colors. The idea of stripes was mentioned but nobody in the group really liked the idea, so I came up the idea of an ombre affect. My idea was to have the darker colors on oneside then fade into the lighter colors, this would take place across the entire flag and the symbols would go on top. Everybody in the group liked the idea and thought the ombre would look cool, so thats how we decided the colors would go. Now it was time to figured how to place the symbols. Everybody had ideas about how to place the symbols, put them in a vertical line, put them in a horizontal line, each symbol is in a corner, etc.. But no one liked any of these ideas until a kid in my named Cade came up with an idea to but them in a circle in the middle of the flag. Every person in the group loved it so we went with it.Since we had figured out how we were designing the flag it was time to sketch the flag out onto a large piece of paper. As you can imagine, we sketched our flag and the next day we would go out in the courtyard and draw our flag out with chalk.

The Final Step

 The day that we drew our flags with chalk just so happened to be picture day and it was suppose to rain, so you could say it was not the best day to be doing sidewalk chalk but it was still fun. Earlier in the day it had already rained a little bit so we had to find a dryish square, which we did. Once we found the square we got to drawing. We started by drawing the circle our symbols would go around. Cade was responsible for the circle which he promptly made deformed but we went with it. After the circle was done everyone started drawing
their symbols. By this time little dropplets of rain started to fall, but not enough to drive us inside. Once everyone had finished their symbol it was time to get started on the colors. We started to run out of class time so we decided to only do the ombre inside of the symbol circle to save time. The first color we went with was black, then blue. After blue we did purple and red. When we were done with red and blending the colors together the rain started to come down harder and harder until we had to go inside. My team never got to fully finish the flag but we know it would have been beautiful.

In Conclusion...

This activity was fun but was also meant as a team building exercise. Through this activity we learned how to collaborate with people and put ideas together to make something beautiful. My teams collaboration went really well, we listened to everybody's ideas, included everyone, and made sure everybody had a say in the flag design. However, I have a personality where I natural take a leadership position when in groups, so in the next team activity I'll try not to take that position right away. Overall this was very fun activity.

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