Friday, October 28, 2016


Close Up of Hands-
When taking a close up of hands the only thing in the frame/picture is the subjects hands and what the hands are doing. 

Close Up of Face-
Taking a close up of the face is when all you see is the face, this allows the viewer to see the emotion of the subject. You want to try not get shoulders in or cut off the head but sometimes thats hard depending how the subject is positioned. 

Over the Shoulder-
An over the shoulder shot is from over the shoulder the shoulder and show what the subject is looking at and/or working on. The shot should include some of the shoulder and head.

Medium Shot- 
A medium shot is from the waist up of the subject. This kind of shot is to establish what the subject is doing and/or working on.

Wide Shot-
A wide shot has the subjects whole body is the frame. This gives the viewer more information about the environment and what the subject is doing and looking at. 

Extreme Wide Shot- 
This shot is used to show the environment the subject is in and how the subject interacts with environment.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016



I Would Accept/Hire You, But...

What you post online could destroy your future. Colleges and businesses have gotten smart and have started checking the social media of applicants. They do this to see how you present yourself outside of a professional situation, like an interview or the work place. Looking at peoples social medias also allows them to see how you treat others, your personality, and your views and beliefs. However, while there are some good aspects to this, there are also some bad ones, especially for the younger generation. Teenagers are not aware of the impact the posts and tweets they share can have on their life's and don't think them through. If a college or employer saw these posts that the teenager did not think through, there is a chance that they would be denied the job or acceptance into the school. While social media is fun to have and helps us stay connected with friends and family we still need to be careful about what we post, especially since nothing disappears from the internet, even if you delete it from your profile.

Keeping My Future Bright

Being a teenager in this tech savvy world means that I have social media. I of course post on them but before I do I always put myself the place of an employer that is looking at my profile na thinking if I would like to see that. Now, I never have anything bad to post seeing as how the only pictures I have are with friends, but still, I always think my post through. Keeping your post appropriate is only one step though. Another step I take to make my social medias acceptable is that I do not follow people that post inappropriate content or disrespectful comments. This shows schools and employers that I surround myself with good people and that I don't have any negative influences. Social media takes a big part in peoples lives now a days, especially teenagers, but I will not let it ruin my chances at a good future by posting with out thinking.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


This quarter I am no longer in animation, instead I am in video. To start off the class we are working on elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is used to make people interested in hiring you. Below is my elevator pitch.

I'm a member of the e-Communication program at ONW. My talents consist of playing sports, writing, making videos, photography, and organization. Many people compliment me on my writing and the organization of my writing. The skills I have are the organization of my paragraphs, framing shots in videos and pictures, and the creativity of my pictures. I really enjoy doing the things I'm good at and I'm motivated by the idea of having a beautiful finished project.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


New Experiences 

My last animation project was a 3D animation of a house. Through this project I used a program called Sketchup. As I created this program I learned a lot about 3D modeling and Sketchup. I learned the tools push, pull, follow me, and many more. As I used these tools I also learned techniques to making 3D animations. I learned how to make a roof, which was very difficult, doors, windows and much more. I made the foundation of the house by making a rectangle the size I wanted the house to be, then I used the push, pull tool to make it 3D. Then, to make the garage and other cut outs, I drew the shape that I wanted to cut out, then selected the area I wanted to cut out and deleted it. I also learned about the principles of light and shadows. Lights and shadows are used to enhance the animation, make it look more life like, and to bring out details in the animation. after i pit the lights and shadows in I animated the camera to show all angle son the house. overall, this was the easiest part. To animate the camera all you do is place it where you want a frame to be and then press add to create the frame. I also learned about myself, that i shouldn't stress and pick projects I know I can do and do it well. Over all the projects this one was my favorite.

Monday, October 3, 2016


The Path I Followed

This animation was different from my two previous ones. The biggest difference, that you probably have already noticed, is that I animated words instead of a ball. Since I was animating something different I had to follow some different steps. I first had to start out by finding a picture to set as my background, I chose a picture of New York City since that is my favorite city and I would love to go to college there. Once I had my picture, I saved it to my computer.Then I put the picture into my photoshop file as the background. After the picture was set I started typing the words into my project. Each word was typed into the their own layer so I could animate them separately. Once all the words were typed I had to pick the font and color of the words. At first I wanted my words to be in the font Comic Sans which some of my classmates made fun of since, I guess, its not a good font. After some thought I changed the font to something that wasn't Comic Sans. I chose the color white since that was the only color that would show up on the picture. After I had the words all set up and ready to go it was time to animate. To animate the words I used a video timeline instead of a frame by frame timeline like I used for the pervious animations. In this timeline all I did was change the length of each word to how long I wanted them in the animation, adding the fades to the end of each one. I also used transforms to bring the words into frame from off screen. This was done by setting the words at an ending point then dragging them to where I wanted them to start. When the animation was played the words moved from off screen to on screen due to the use of transforms. This project was really fun since I could express myself will animating.

New Information

As this project went on I learned a lot about animation and myself. Before we started animating we had to come up with a list of ten strengths we have. As I was writing the list I realized I had a lot more strength's than I thought and some characteristics I have a never viewed as a strength until now. Once I started working on the actually animation I learned a lot about animating. I first learned how to but a picture into Photoshop while still being able to edit it. Once I learned about the picture I learned how to use a video timeline and animate words. I also learned that I really enjoy using words and text in my animations and seeing them move. Throughout this whole project I wasn't only learning about animation but also about myself.

Lessons To Take With Me

This project gave me lots of information I can take with me to use in life and my animations. The first take away is to never underestimate myself. As I was writing down my ten strengths I realized how I was limiting myself in what I could do since I never stopped to think about all my strengths and figured out how to use them to my best ability. I will now push myself even harder and use all my strengths in life and any project I work on.The lessons about animating that I will always remember are not to use Comic Sans, how to use a video timeline and how to make a picture appealing to look at. These lessons will forever be with me through life.

(P.S. the title of this blog post is a reference to an old Disney song for the movie Camp Rock. Here's a link to a video of the song, excuse the Spanish dialogue,