Tuesday, October 25, 2016



I Would Accept/Hire You, But...

What you post online could destroy your future. Colleges and businesses have gotten smart and have started checking the social media of applicants. They do this to see how you present yourself outside of a professional situation, like an interview or the work place. Looking at peoples social medias also allows them to see how you treat others, your personality, and your views and beliefs. However, while there are some good aspects to this, there are also some bad ones, especially for the younger generation. Teenagers are not aware of the impact the posts and tweets they share can have on their life's and don't think them through. If a college or employer saw these posts that the teenager did not think through, there is a chance that they would be denied the job or acceptance into the school. While social media is fun to have and helps us stay connected with friends and family we still need to be careful about what we post, especially since nothing disappears from the internet, even if you delete it from your profile.

Keeping My Future Bright

Being a teenager in this tech savvy world means that I have social media. I of course post on them but before I do I always put myself the place of an employer that is looking at my profile na thinking if I would like to see that. Now, I never have anything bad to post seeing as how the only pictures I have are with friends, but still, I always think my post through. Keeping your post appropriate is only one step though. Another step I take to make my social medias acceptable is that I do not follow people that post inappropriate content or disrespectful comments. This shows schools and employers that I surround myself with good people and that I don't have any negative influences. Social media takes a big part in peoples lives now a days, especially teenagers, but I will not let it ruin my chances at a good future by posting with out thinking.

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