Sunday, April 23, 2017


For our end of year project my group created the Aqua Bottle. The Aqua Bottle is a self-refilling water bottle. The logo for the product is up above. For the logo we wanted to keep it simple, sleek, and sophisticated. For the product name we went with a slimmer font with lines above and below. The slim font keeps it looking nice and neat and the lines keep the logo contained to one area so its just not floating. In-between the words we put a water droplet to create a combination mark, a combination of font and a logo. For our colors we kept it simple with black for the words, lines, and outline of the water droplet and then blue to fill in the water. All of these aspects make the logo clean and easy to look at and recognizable. 
After creating our product logo, my group had to come up with our company logo. Our company was named Splash which dealt with only water related products. To stay with the water theme we decided to incorporate water into the logo some how. Eventually, with the help from a classmate from another group, we decided on making the S out of water. We also wanted to add some movement to it so we added a few waves and ripples. For the rest of the word we went with the same font we used in the Aqua Bottle logo to keep it looking sleek and new. In order to stay with the water theme we used dark blue for all the lines in the S and the letters in the rest of Splash. Then we filled in the S with a lighter blue. Our companies logo looks sleek, cool, and eye catching due to all the details mentioned. 

Once we had our logo done we had to create a web banner for our future website. For the web banner we just kept it simple with the product logo and the slogan which is "Never Go Thirsty Again". For the logo we kept everything the same and for the slogan we used the font as in the logo to make it go together and to make sure things didn't get to crazy.Then we used a lighter blue to cause some contrast and make it a little more interesting. In order to contain the banner a little more we added a border of darkish blue to help the logo and slogan pop a little more. The border also helped keep the banner from melting into the page and keeping it contained to a rectangle.

Another part of the project was to make a coupon for out product. To go along with the style of our marketing, the coupon was kept simple and sophisticated. To keep the coupon contained and organized a border was added in the same color of the rain drop to try and stick with similar colors. Then in the biggest font we have the deal you can use the coupon for in a dark blue. The size and the color make it one of the first things you see. Below the deal it says "Limited Time Only" so you know that we have to use the coupon fast. This statement is in the same color as the deal so you know that they go together. After the deal is the product logo so you know what the coupon is for and then in the lower right hand corner is the company logo so you know who the product is made by. The vertical thing that all the information follows makes it easier for the reader to read and understand all the information. 

The last part of the project was to create an add for the product. At the top of the ad we put the product logo so you would know what the ad was for. Below the logo we put the slogan of the product to kind of explain what its used for. The slogan is in black and is a smaller than the logo so it doesn't draw attention away from it. After the slogan I drew a picture of what the product would look like so people would know what they would be paying for. After the picture we put the deal that comes with purchasing an Aqua Bottle. When someone purchases an Aqua Bottle we would give one to someone in Africa so they had fresh, clean water available to them all the time. Then in the bottom right hand corner is the company logo so you know who makes it. The vertical organization makes everything easy to read, see, and understand. 

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work 

As part of my group I helped give ideas on the logo and coupon and helped agree and confirm design and color choices. I also helped keep everyone on task for the most part, making sure we got what we needed to get done done.The specific work I did was the ad and web banner. I am very proud of my work and it turned out a lot better than I thought it would. I like how the color scheme stayed consistent all the way through all five different parts. Overall I think my team worked very well together. We were able to bounce ideas off each other and come up with new together. The only thing I would change I'd including Evan more and making sure he's getting the opportunity to create as much as the rest of us. Including Evan more is the only thing I would change because all the rest worked pretty good in my eyes. 

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