Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Getting Started

The first step in our project was to come up with a product. My group came up with self refilling water bottle called the Aqua Bottle. The product name lets you know that it is a water bottle but it has something different about it since we used aqua instead of water. We the had t come up with a slogan to go with our product. The slogan for the Aqua Bottle is "Never go thirsty again". This slogan works because the Aqua Bottle always has water in it. Once we had created our product and slogan we  had to come up with a company name. After thinking for some time we decided to call our company Splash. We decided on this name because the Aqua Bottle is a water based product and if we were to create another product it would be water based.

Working On The Visuals

The first thing we created for the Aqua Bottle was the commercial. My group wanted to do an infomercial commercial for the product. We started out with creating the storyboard. In the storyboard we had someone running on the track with some voice overs going on. Then we had the runner go over to the bleachers to get a drink only to discover that their water bottle was empty and they had no place to fill it up. After a few moments of sadness a man comes in with the Aqua Bottle showing it becoming empty and then filling up all by itself. Once this last scene is finished we cut to shots of the Aqua Bottle while a voice over explains it. After the storyboard was done my group and I went outside to film. Then I edited my commercial, the finished product is below.

Working On The Visuals Pt.2

After the video was done it was time to work on the graphic designs. We had to create an ad, web banner, coupon, and our product and company logo. To be more productive we decided to split the work up between each group member. I was responsible for the web banner and the ad. My other team mates worked on the other graphics. Even though we were working separately we still asked how the graphics looked and if there was anything that would make it better. Below are the graphic designs I created.

Working On The Visuals Pt.3

After graphic design was done we started to work on the animation and website. Once again we decided to split up the work so it would get done in time. I worked on a 2D animation that showed how the Aqua Bottle worked, another one of my team members worked on animating the logo, another worked on a 3D animation of the product, and another worked on the landscape for the 3D animation. My 2D animation shows the Aqua Bottle filling up by itself through a series of frames, it is located below. Once the logo animation was done Joey, the person who was working on it, started to work on the website which is where all of our work would be put and presented. He had the help of Nina who was working on the landscape for the 3D animation. The website looked very sleek and good when it was done.

Presentation Time

After everything was done we had to present what we had done to all of the 2nd hour E-comm classes. Going into it I felt very confident because everything we had created we very good. However, our website decided not work so we couldn't see any of the picture we had put into it. Due to this conflict we only got to present out website, commercial, and what everyone did. Even though we couldn't show our animations or graphics we still had a good presentation but it would have bee great if the website worked. 

Lessons Learned

During this product I learned how to manage my time wisely while in a team setting. Having a project like this forced me to remember things from the beginning of the year without a review. On the technical side I learned how to add voice over to video and how to zoom into it. I also learned how to keep people on track and focused. 

Next Time I'll...

If I had a chance to do a project like this again I would make sure that everyone does equal work. This time not everyone put in equal effort but next time I would make sure the work would be easily distributed. I would also make sure that everyone was staying on task and working when they needed to work. Even though I would change somethings I would still do some things the same. I would the creative and team work the same because they worked very well. I would like to have the same fun environment because thats what made the project fun. 

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