Thursday, October 12, 2017


The Focus 

As one of our first big projects in my video class, we had to create a feature story, or interview. The main point and purpose for this project was to teach us what a good feature story looks like and what it takes to make on. Along the way I learned, the importance of location and being able to set up equipment fast, how to write interview questions and more. At the end we would be critiqued by out class and re edit the interview to make it better. Overall, I learned a lot about how to make a feature story create.

Getting Point A To B 

To start of the project, my group and I had to decide who was going to be interviewed, who was going to be asking the questions, and who would be in charge of the camera. Eventually we decided that I would be getting interviewed about my knee injury,  Dominic would be asking the questions and Nick would control the camera. The next thing we had to was write questions for the interview and pick the order they would go in. This part was tricky since we had to come up with a little over 20 questions. Once we had all our the rest was easy. We had decided to film outside with me wearing my soccer jersey. However when we filmed outside it was supper windy so we had to go inside. We ended up filming in front of the soccer records board with me wearing my soccer half zip. Then it was time to film. To start filming I separated the video into each separate question. Then I inserted the pictures I wanted to use and put everything in the correct spot. After class critiques I went in and added voice over to make it more cohesive and story like. In a whole the process was fun and I enjoyed doing it.

Knowledge Gained 

I learned a lot throughout this project. Technically I learned how a lavaliere microphone works, how to insert photos, and how to edit those pictures. I also learned to always check what the weather is like before going out to film, communicate with my group members to make sure we have all the equipment before going down to film, and get to the location at the beginning of the hour so you have more time to film with less distraction. These skills will help me better any and all future videos I make and any other projects that involve interviews. I will communicate more and use my time more wisely.

Differences and Similarities 

If I were to do this project again I wouldn't film outside first because that wasted a lot go time that we could've spent filming and editing. However, I would keep our questions the same because they were really good and told the story very well. I would also be smarter and more realistic about time so that way we wouldn't have to rush. Overall I feel like the project went really well and I wouldn't change much.

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