Friday, November 10, 2017


Finding The Story 

This weeks project was to create a new, better feature story. Our stories had to have at least two interviews, B-roll, voice overs, and somewhat of a conclusion. To complete these projects we were once again a part of a group. My group had Sophie, Kevin, Caleb, and myself in it. After creating our group we had to find a story about something that was happening outside of our video class. After long discussions about what the story would be about, we decided to make it our feature story about the Fall Blood Drive. Once we had our story it was time to put all the parts together.

Putting All The Pages In Order

After we had decided on our story topic we had to start building it and how we were going to film it. First we choose what kind of information we wanted to give about the blood drive. We choose to include information about the planning and setting up process for the blood drive and what donors should do in preparation for donating like making an appointment and eating the right kinds of food. After that we decided what kind of B-roll we wanted to use and who we wanted to interview. For B-roll we choose to use pictures from previous blood drives and to interview Austin Shivley, Stuco President, and Sydeny Stephens, Stuco Secretary. We interviewed Austin and Sydeny because they help lead and coordinate the planning and setting up of the blood and have the most general information about it. After choosing B-roll and who we were going to interview we created a shot list, questions to ask in the interview, and voice overs. Once of that was done and down on paper we started to film interviews and voice overs. This part to a few tries to get it how we wanted and working properly. Then we started to edit and created our feature story about the ONW Fall Blood Drive.

What I Learned Along The Way

Throughout the process of making a feature I learned some new things. The first thing I learned about is all the hard work that is put into creating just one feature story. From the outside it looks like just a long interview with some pictures thrown in there when in reality it takes a lot of thought and editing to make it good. Another thing I learned is to check what input channel you have switched on so that way you have audio when going back to edit and not having to go back and redo the whole video. The last thing I learned is that making feature stories and spreading information is fun and enjoyable. This project has taught me a lot technically and socially.


Overall I am very proud of my finished project and think I did a pretty good job. I like how my interview flows and how the story makes sense, I like the subject the story talks about, and I like the editing I did in it. However, there a few things I would change. One thing I would change is the framing of some shots and using the rule of thirds, shrinking the head space. Another thing change I would make is getting better microphones so that way they clip on to the person and don't fall off their clothes or the clip. the last thing I would change is getting more B-roll. I feel like if I had more B-roll the video would be more interesting to watch.

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