Friday, November 10, 2017


To help the Kansas City Community the Olathe Northwest Student Councils holds an annual summer, spring, and fall blood drive. Is that time of year when the fall blood drive is taking place.

The ONW blood drive holds an annual fall blood drive due to the blood shortage the area is going through. Due to our large school population, we have been able to break records and donate up to 250 pints of blood through our fall blood drive alone. The blood drive is run by Olathe Northwest Student Council and donations are collected through the Johnson County Community Blood Center. Every year the blood drive takes place at ONW in the East Gym from 7:30-3:30,this year it will be held on November 10th.In order to set up the blood drive, Student Council must spread the word through posters, flyers, and social media to let people know when it's happening. Then they must get food and gift donations from businesses as an inattentive for people to donate. On the day of the drive the Community Blood Center workers come to the school and set up for the day.

The fall blood drive is very important to the community due to the need for donations and the increasing number of people who need them. One pint of blood has the ability to save three lives, but blood has an expiration date so it would need to be used fast. Due to the latest hurricanes striking Florida, Texas, and Puerto Rico, many of our fall blood drive donations will be shipped to those devastated areas as well 60 local hospitals. The Community Blood Center has been very generous in providing information about the need for blood and spending their whole day at our school to help collect it. Our own Student Council Executive Board has been a tremendous help in having information about the blood drive and the cause and helping plan and organize it. The blood drive this year takes place on November 10th and we're hopeful for another record breaking one.

After the blood drive is done, we will help clean up and put everything back on the Community Blood Drive truck so they can go to their next blood drive. The days following the drive, people at the blood center will look at our donation data and figure out how many pints of blood we were able to donate. This is the time when we will learn if we set another record and had a successful blood drive. Then we start planning and figuring out what we can do better at our spring blood drive.

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