Wednesday, February 19, 2020


An Overview

From the very beginning of this project I knew I wanted it to have a very lighthearted feeling to it, seeing as how this would be my last film reel I produce as an Olathe Northwest student. To create this very positive, fun, airy concept I began with a very upbeat, summery song and then picked out my shots that were the brightest and my interesting, which just happened to include a bunch of outdoor ones that helped the concept a lot. The overall story is looking back at memories and appreciating them, becoming nostalgic while at the same time looking forward to the future and everything that comes; I really wanted this reel to reflect how I am feeling about my last semester of senior year. I used this reel to represent my cinematography and labeled it as a cinematography reel because that is most of the work I do as well as producing a lot of quality work through that production role. I was thinking about putting director because I have been stepping into that role more recently but I felt like I didn't have enough work to accurately show that role to the best of my ability.

Broadcasting My Skills

I showcased good cinematography by showing steady shots that were composed very well and were fun to look at and watch. This also goes hand in hand with good lighting because you can not have good cinematography without good lighting. I chose well lit shots that had variation in lighting styles to show difference and versatility. My audio was nothing special because it just consisted of the music but I made sure it was interesting by lining certain actions with in the shots with the audio making it seem like the two belong together when in reality this project was the first time they met. I was also able to show my editing skills this way too, showing my eye and ear for how things can line up and tell a mini story with in a single shot or two. This also allowed for the reel to flow very nice and not feel to long. I made a lot of changes while editing, moving a lot of things around making sure the story I wanted to tell was being told and no moments were lost.

One Last Time 

This is the most proud I have been of a film reel so far, not only in the video itself but the footage within the reel. I am very proud of how I was able to put together the reel and have it make visual sense and be entertaining and nice to look at. I am also really proud of basically every single shot in it, there is not one that I despise watching because it's so bad, which has never happened in a film reel before for me. If I had to do something different I would have gone back and color graded more so the whole thing was more cohesive and better looking. Overall, I am very proud of this and I still need to add our music video shots, I still want to color grade, as well as take one more look at the order and organization of it to see if it would be better if some shot was moved and edited.

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