Monday, February 3, 2020

These Days -Wallows Music Video Review

This music video by Wallows follows the band as they try and serenade a girl who does not have the same feelings for them as they do for her. This results in them getting hit with rocks causing them to fall to the ground and play the rest of the song with broken bones. The direction of the video focuses more on visual aspects of the characters within to make the video interesting and tell the story rather than lighting or camera movements. This can be seen in the beginning of the video as the boys reach the girls window and begin signing to her, her feelings are then shown through her facile expressions and how she reaches for the sling shot. The shock of the video comes from close ups of their injuries and the humor from a paramedic coming in with a guitar on a stretcher. Overall the story is about a group of boys chasing after a girl and soon learning that she is not interested and how they aspect this fact. I would like to apply the beautiful but simple shot composition and how they can still effectively tell a story with simple push ins and really nothing else; the colors would also be nice to incorporate as well. One element that I already know that was in this video is how using multiple shots can make a video very interesting to watch and very effective for story telling. The creator of the video did a really good job at picking a story that could easily be told through visual aspects only. I wish there was more going on in the girls storyline, we focus on the boys a lot, mainly because they're the band, but I just wish they had the girl do more interesting activities. I love this video and the whole band and their song and the aesthetic of it all and I strive to produce something this good.

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