Thursday, February 2, 2017


In The Beginning 

To start off my new project in graphic design I first sketched what I wanted to design. The assignment was to make something using the shape tool we learned earlier, so I thought I would create a soccer goal and soccer ball in an outside setting. Within my sketch I used the key elements in several
different ways. I used lines to show the separation between sky and grass, and to also so the rigidness in the goal but then used curved lines in the clouds to show how soft and gentle they are. In this sketch I basically used lines to show the difference between the rigidness in certain objects but then contrasting it with softer lines. The use of color was to show what things were naturally darker and lighter while also using darker colors in front and lighter in back to bring more of a focus towards the front. The use of value also plays into this concept by using light colors in certain places but then going into darker colors as you moved toward the front as kind of a transition. The size of the objects within my sketch also help bring more attention to the front and show perception and depth. I was able to achieve this by making the goal and soccer ball bigger than the sun and the clouds. With in this sketch I did not use any textures because I wanted to the design simple and smooth. However I did use space to show the dimensions of the drawing and the difference between the grass and the sky. I used all of these elements to sketch my new design and make it visually appealing.

Using My Training 

To be able to create my design in Adobe Illustrator I had to use the pencil and shape tool that I had recently learned how to use. I first use the pencil tool to make the shape of the goal since I wasn't able to get the shape I wanted with the shape tool. Then I used to shape tool to create the lines for the goal net. After I finished the goal I moved to the soccer ball, which was quiet easy to make. To make the
ball I simply created a circle using the shape tool and then created some hexagons within the circle using the shape tool after switching the shape it would create. I then created lines connecting the hexagons together. After the soccer ball was done I selected each hexagon and colored them black then I selected the circle that made up the ball and colored it in pink. I then colored the goal in black using the paint brush tool. Once the goal and ball were colored I created a green square for the grass, after it was in place I move it the back of the page so that way the goal and ball would be on it. Then I moved onto the sky, I used the same technique I used for the grass for the sky, I just cooled the rectangle blue. After that I thought it would be cool if I added some clouds so I went to the pencil tool and drew some squiggly lines that looked like clouds. Then I selected each one a filled them in white. Once the clouds were done I moved on to the sun which just consist of a yellow circle and lines made using the shape tool. This project was really fun and I enjoyed it since I could make several different shapes.

Using My Training (pt.2)

After I learned about the pencil and shape tool, I learned how to use the shaper tool. The shaper tool
is different from the shape tool because it allows you to manipulate the shapes more and makes shapes from seemingly random lines. The project that we had to do using the shaper tool was to make a kind of eyeball like shape that is red and then a rectangle that is blue behind it. Building the eyeball shape was easy but when it came to pulling the rectangle behind the eye I ran into some difficulties. This part was hard for me because when ever I would drag the rectangle into place the eyeball would turn blue and when I would move the rectangle to the back part of the eye would be blue and the other part would be red. After several attempts I successfully put the rectangle in place without messing up the eyeball.

My Thoughts

After working with Adobe Illustrator for two weeks I have a pretty good idea on how it works. Most of the tools are pretty easy to use and understand and the ones that aren't get easier as I use them more often. Sometimes coloring lines and shapes can be difficult but the more I use the program the easier it is to use the colors and understand what I have to get what I want. Overall I'm liking the program more than I expected and I'm looking forward to learning more about as the quarter continues.

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