Saturday, February 18, 2017


Variety is the Spice of Life

For this weeks assignment, we were told to draw either trees, birds, flowers, or houses. Once we had selected our choice we would have to sketch that item not once, not twice, but twenty times, each one being a different. I had chosen flowers so I had to draw twenty different flowers. My biggest struggle was finding different flowers that were noticeably different from each other but still being able to draw them. Once I had multiple flowers to draw, however, the process was quiet simple since all I had to do was sketch the flowers in an order that was appealing. To make the flowers different I found ones with different petal shapes and designs so that way you look at them and immediately tell they were different. At the beginning it was fun and easy because I had so many options but as time went one it started to become more difficult because I was running out of options. Overall, I think it made me a better graphic designer but it was still a little challenging.

Finally Being Able to Bloom

Once I had all twenty flowers drawn I had to choose one to make in Illustrator. I decided to make the drew in Illustrator. Choosing my flower difficult because I wanted a simple yet challenging flower so that way I knew I could do a good job but it wouldn't just be a bland flower. Originally I had chosen the flower in the top left hand corner but it wasn't turning out how I wanted so instead I made the rose. To start off making the rose I made the lines that would make up the petals in black.Then, once all the petals were drawn I filled them in with red. I also decided to add some shadows with black and highlights with a light red to the rose to add dimension  At this point I had decided I made the rose to big so I had to shrink it done in size a little. After I had made it a little smaller I had the leafs in a similar way I did the petals. Once the petals were done I had the rose a little smaller again. Then I made the background black so the red and green would pop more.

New Experiences 

Overall, I really liked this project because it was different and allowed for a little more creativity. This project was also difficult because of the number of flowers I had to draw and making the rose in Illustrator was difficult but enjoyable. I also really liked to project because instead of having a set picture or object we could create anything we wanted as long as it was a bird, tree, house, or flower. This project also allowed to see haw the tools we learned about in class are used to create actual designs. This is my favorite project we have done in graphic design so far.

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