Monday, February 6, 2017


My Favorite Color To Look At

Most people in the human race have a favorite color, whether thats red, blue, green, yellow, or chartreuse. My favorite color just happens to be mint green.Mint green is my favorite color because it can either be bright and soft, can be used in clothing, foods, accessories, etc. and still look appealing. I also like how unique it is since its a tint, when you add white to color, and no not one of the primary or secondary colors in the color wheel. Whenever I wear something that is mint green, I always feel good and unique because nobody else is wearing it, I also look really good in mint green. The emotion si feel when I look at mint green are happy, calm, and peaceful. I like feelings these emotions because as life becomes more complicated and hacked they don't come naturally as much as they used to. Seeing the color also makes me remember  when I would go shopping with my friends or dad because if something was mint green it would stand out and I would remember it. Mint green is my favorite color because it makes me feel good, is pleasing to look at, and makes me think of pleasant memories. 

My Least Favorite Color To Look At

Just like favorite colors, most people have a least favorite color. My least favorite color is orange. I do not like orange because it is to bright and when ever its dimmed down it looks bad and unappealing. Orange clothing isn't the most appealing either and can look really obnoxious and gives me a headache. When I look at the color orange I get anxious sometimes because its mostly used for cation signs and,once again, because its so bright and loud. Unlike with mint green, I don't have any memories with orange so I can't associated with any good events in my life. Another reason why I don't like orange is because it was my grandfathers favorite color but he passed before I got to know him. Due to these events when ever I see orange it reminds of my grandfather I will never get to talk to, all I can do is hear stories about him. Since I don't have expositive feelings or memories with orange, it is my least favorite color. 

The Effects Of Color

Color is not just color. Color is emotions, feelings, moments, memories, designs, and so much more. When you look at a certain color you feel or think about an emotion, for example when you see red you think or anger. We also associate certain moments and memories with colors on occasion. When we hear wedding we think of white, when we think of pay day we think of green, etc. Companies use this advertisements so you feel a certain way when you see their logos and products. Technology company logos are blue so you feel calm while using it, food companies are red so they get your attention, and more. Color combination is also important. The combination of colors needs to look appealing to eye so that people like to look at it. Color combination is used most in graphic design because we want the design to look nice and appealing to the eye and a main part of how we achieve this is combining colors that look well together. If we did not do this then our designs would look sloppy and nobody would want to look at the design. We learned about how to see if colors complement each other by looking at a color wheel, like the one above, and looking in certain places according to the color I want to match.

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