Tuesday, February 14, 2017


The Type Of Person I Am

This week in graphic design we took a test that would tell us our personality based on the Myers-Briggs personality test. After taking the test I learned that my personality was an ENFJ. ENFJ stands for Extravert Intuitive Feeling and Judging. Having characteristics means that I am out going, love to be around people, I take part in a situation or action before I stop to think about what I'm doing, I am thoughtful toward other peoples feelings and what they think. I also see potential and promise in everyone and can be the most responsible in a group of people. I am not the only one with this personality type however, some people are ENFJ personalities as well. Some of these celebrities include Dr. Marin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Joe Biden, Oprah Winfrey, Bono, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, and many other people. It's kinda cool to think that I have the same personality of some of the most important, revolutionary people in history and also some of the most popular people in todays world.

How Well Does This Test Know Me

Most personality test don't do to well describing what kind of person you are, but this test is different.  After reading the description of an ENFJ I realized that is test described my personality almost to a T. The part of my personality it got right was that I am an extrovert, when making decisions I take other peoples feelings and thoughts into consideration, and sometimes I act before I think. The part that says I act before I think is both correct and incorrect. If I'm planning to go to the movies with friends then I while lots of thought and planning into it but if it's a spur of the moment thing thats when I act before I think. The most common situation where I act before I think is when I'm talking. Since I am an extrovert I talk a lot and I tend to talk really fast, so my brain doesn't have time to process everything that is coming out of my mouth. Reading my personality description helped me understand why I do talk so much and like being around people. It also helped me learn why sometimes I put my own feelings aside when making plans and putting somebodies in front of mine. I also learned why I get so bored when I'm sitting at home doing nothing.

The Role I Was Meant To Play

When ever I find myself in a group for school whether that be for a project, a seating arrangement, or just my group of friends I find myself taking charge and quiet possible be the one most talkative. After taking this personality test I realized I take on these roles natural because I am an extroverted, intuitive person. I also take on the role as problem solver because I can see where both sides are coming from but can help resolve the problem by relating to their feelings and talking about them. If I am assigned a certain role that fits my personality type then I am able to perform at my best ability and can help my team/group by contributing my best work. If the job I am assigned does not fit my personality type, then I will simply try my hardest to succeed even if I might not good or well suited for that job. I have a very loud voice and sometimes I don't realize how loud I am until somebody tells me. Some people in the past might have thought of me being purposefully loud, talking frequently or just being very energetic annoying and on purpose when I don't realize it because thats my personality type. Another part of my personality type is that I'm feeling which means I think about others peoples feelings. People who I have problems with usually don't have this personality type because they'll say something mean that could hurt a persons feelings with out realizing it. I don't like these people because I see them as rude, ignorant, and mean. 

Lessons To Live By

After taking this personality test I learned that personalities are very complicated and have many different parts to them. There are so many different parts that make up a persons personality that I had never known about before. I also learned that there are so many different types that several people have. All these different types are very important in groups and projects because everybody has a different way of doing things. Even though all of our personalities are different and unique thats what makes us valuable and needed. 

Personality Test Take Two

After we had finished learning about the Myers-Briggs personality test we took, we then took a LOBGR test. The LOBGR test tells you about your personality through animals. The test is made up of four columns that each have personality traits in them. To take the test you go across each row
putting the number 4 through 1, 4 being most like you and 1 being least like you, next to each personality trait. At the end you add the numbers in each column up. The column with the highest total is what animal you are. My highest total was in the first column which corresponded with a lion. Lions like to lead, are very goal-oriented, like challenges and assignments, are very aggressive, and in some situations tend to be a tad bit bossy. Me being a lion makes sense because I can identify with these traits of a lion.

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