Thursday, December 15, 2016


In this blog post I ma going to show you how to add text into a video using Adobe Premiere. Having this sell will allow youth add text to a video for dialogue or descriptions. If you are interested in video editing or making video this post if for you. 

1. Open up Adobe Premier go into the top heading and click "Title"

2. Once you click on title go down to the tab labeled "New Title"

3. When the "New Title" tab opens up slide over and click on the first button labeled "Default Still..."

4. Once you click on "Default Still..." a window like this will pop up, you will want to click OK. Don't change anything

5. After you click OK a window like the one below will pop up. Here you want to click where you want your text to be. 

6.  After you click where you want your text to be you can type what you want too. 

7.  Once you have your text typed you click on the text to change the font. 

8.  When you right click on the text a menu like the one below will appear below. In this menu you can choose what font you would like to have your text as. 

9.  Once you choose your font the text will return to normal with your chosen text. 

10. To center the text right click back on the text for the menu to appear. 

11. Once the menu appears go down to the bottom of the menu and click "Position".

12.  After the menu appears you can click on either "Horizontal Center" to put into the center on the side and "Vertical Center" to put it in the center up and down. 

13. After you have the font you like exit out of the window and the text will appear in the window with the rest of your text. 

14. Once the video is in the window slide it into the timeline to put into the video.

15. After the clip is in the timeline drag it down to be in line with your other videos. 

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