Friday, December 16, 2016


The Origin of the Sweatshirt Thief

To start the video making process everyone in the class picked their groups to film in. In my group I had two of my classmates, Melia (the sweatshirt thief) and Tressa (the person filming the video). Before we got to filming we of course ha dot start by drawing out our story board. After a few minutes of spouting out ideas we land with the idea of Melia stealing my sweatshirt and me having to chase after her to get it back. Our storyboard ended up being two and a half pages long and was quiet detailed. After the storyboard was done my group and I scouted out a location for the video. We decided that we would start filming in part of the e-Communication room and then transition into the hallway. Once we found our location we started filming. The filming process was really fun since I got to do it with my friends and we had a lot of fun with it. Filming consisted of a lot of collaboration and communication between my group members and I. We had to talk about what we thought of the shots and how we want them to look. After the filming was done we exported the clips onto each of our computers and began editing. I thought it would be fun to add text and music to my video so I did and I'm really proud go how it turned out, my YouTube is below go watch it. After the editing was done I exported it to YouTube.

Lessons The Sweatshirt Thief Learned 

Throughout this video product I learned new skills to enhance the videos I make. One of these new skills is being able to add text and sound into videos. Adding text and videos will add more elements and make them more entertaining. After I learned how to add text and music, I realized it was easier than I thought it would be. To add music I found an audio on YouTube I liked and transferred into an mp3 film. Once the audio is in mp3 form I simply imported it into the video editing software and cut it to the length I wanted it. I also learned how to add text to a video which I previously blogged about. If you want to learn how to add text to a video in Adobe  Premiere then go check out my last blog. I also learned the importance of communicating with the people your working with and making sure all of you like the shot and talk about how to make it better. Melia also learned not to steal my sweatshirt.

How The Sweatshirt Thief Evolved 

As the video project went on I found things that I liked and things I didn't like. One of the  things that I would keep the same is the creative of the video. I'm really enjoying how imaginative the storyline is and the facial expressions of the characters. These things help make the video more interesting to watch and entertaining. I also liked how I used new skills to enhance my video and its quality. In the future I hope I will continue to learn new aspects to add to my videos to make them better. Some things that I would change are some editing issues and transitions but other than I would keep everything the same. In the future I will keep having creative storylines and keep improving my editing skills.

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