Friday, December 16, 2016


What I Think About e-Comm

This semester I was in animation and video. First quarter I was in animation and second quarter I was in video. Will I was in these two quarters I learned how to created animations and learned about the basics of animations. I also learned how to use time wisely and work well people. In first quarter I started to get to know my classmates and make new friends. In second quarter I learned about the basics making videos, editing, communicating with people and using new computer software. I really enjoyed the video class the most because I like making videos and editing them my teacher is really cool, and the people in my class are really cool and entertaining. While I went through the semester I learned that some of my editing skills need work as well as my animations but as time goes on I will improve these skills and get better. I wouldn't change anything about this quarter or the semester. I enjoyed what I worked on and my classes. I'm also really proud of all of my videos and animation. Next semester I am going to keep my mind open to graphic design sinceI'm not that excited to do it but I'm open to new experiences. I'm also really excited for fourth quarter since we get put into a group and design an item. After the item is thought of we get to use all the skills we've obtained throughout the semester to sell and advertise the item. I'm most excited for the project. Well this is my last blog from video class, i'll see you next semester

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