Friday, December 16, 2016


How I Got To Where I Am Now

Before I started making my video I first had to download the software and take a picture using Photo Booth on my computer.  The software we used was called Dreamweaver. In Dreamweaver we learned how to make a website, this included learning how to design one and little about the code that is behind websites. After Dreamweaver was downloaded I started making my website. To make my website I followed along with six tutorial videos that Mr. Olson (my animation) teacher made. The videos too my through how to the website layout into Dreamweaver, how to set up links and some of the code, and how to change the colors and text of the website. In the end I ended up with a two page website, one is a home page and the other is a page with some of my e-Comm projects on it. Overall the entire process took me about three days in class. In those three days I used my class time wisely. I got into the classroom, sat down, and started working. I spent some time talking to friends and being social but overall i spent most of my time working. 

The Challenges I Encountered 
Throughout the project I faced some problems. As I tried to follow some of the videos I got confused and I either had to rewind the video, ask Mr. Cooper (my video teacher) for help, or both. Although I faced these problems I persevered and created a beautiful website. Some of the problems I faced was being able to things, not knowing where things are, and just not being able to follow along with the video and getting confused. As the project continued, however, I got more comfortable with the software and didn't have as many problems. Throughout this project and having to face these problems I learned many things. The first thing I learned was how to use Dreamweaver and make a website. This took some time but now I know how to make a simple website. Another piece of knowledge I gained was to take my time and just back track if I ever get confused. The last think I learned was a little bit of coding and that its fun. I enjoy coding but I don't really like creating websites, I find it boring. 

My Impression of Web Design 
Overall I enjoyed the web project even if I may not like designing websites. This project was different and fun new experience, I actually wish that I had more time to learn more about web design and go more in-depth with it. Coding my website was my favorite part. It was interesting to see what goes in behind a website and being able to do it myself. After I followed all the steps I ended up with a beautiful two page website. 

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