Monday, December 18, 2017


China is know for producing most things we use here in the United States except cartoons. However the masterminds and animators apart of Up Studios in China are about to change that with their new cartoon. Trevor Lai, founder and leader of Up Studios, has been able to create a show called Super BOOMi that's the potential to go worldwide instead of just national in China.

Sketching Out The Plans

Throughout the article, the author shows how many Chinese animations and characters don't make it out of China. He shows us how Super BOOMi  is different by how it focuses on universal themes and elements instead of having it focus specifically on Chinese culture and traditions like most animations  Super BOOMi is different from other shows and why this one is spreading and the others aren't. Overall, throughout the article the points are supported.
do. The author does a really good job by doing this with his own commentary but also getting direct information and quotes from the creator himself, Trevor Lai. He also brings in evidence outside if the animation and tv realm by showing the character of the showing being placed in hotels, spreading the popularity of the show further. One weakness, however, is that the author doesn't really elaborate how

Getting To The Point

The authors main conclusions for this article are that the show Super BOOMi will soon reach audiences outside of China. He also sees a very bright future for Up Studios with them producing another show based off the book called Tomo. This show will also deal with universal themes hence the prediction for global success. As a whole I thought that the article was very well put together and all points helped support the idea that Up Studios as a whole would soon have global animations with Super BOOMi being the first of those animations. All the evidence added to the argument and had a purpose.

Final Thoughts

This article taught me how to make products that appeal to a wider audience. I can use this skill in the future when I start working in a creative field to help know how to make the most money off of what I'm creating. In order to make something appeal to a global audience it had to deal with themes that everyone can understand and relate to, instead of ones that are specific to one culture or country. I was able to understand the article pretty well because it didn't have to much tricky vocabulary. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this article and might do it more.

Citation:   “Trevor Lai and 'Super BOOMi' Taking China by Storm.” Animation World Network, 12 Dec. 2017, 18 Dec. 2017

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