Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Prepare To Learn Some Knowledge

In this blog post I will be teaching you to make a 3D sphere in the animation program called Maya. The person who would nee this tutorial is on that has never used Maya perform and needs to learn the basics, but this skill be used by anybody that has Maya on their computer.  This skill is important to learn so you are able to begin animating and creating projects. All the other polygons in Maya can be made in a similar fashion, so once you learn how to create a sphere you can create any other shape you want. 

1. The first step is open Maya to where it looks like this. 

2. Then we have to create a new project. Go to file and then click on Project Window.

3. Once you click on it, a window like the one below should appear. Click the "New" button in the top right hand corner. Name the file whatever you would like and then press "Accept to begin animating. 

4. Once the file is created, click on the tab named "Poly Modeling" so the banner looks like the below.

 5. Click on the orange sphere, which is the shape farthest to the left, in the banner to create on your plan.

6. Click on the plane and drag to make your sphere the desired size you would like it at.

7. Once you have created your sphere you press "Save" or "Save As" under File. You do not need to repeat step 2 and 3 when working on this project again, simply just reopen this file. 

Additional Resources

This tutorial will take you more in depth in the modeling process as well as teach you about texturing. I hope this will help you further your animations and help you in the future. 

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