Friday, December 15, 2017


Becoming A News Reporter?

For our final project in convergence video we had to put on our own edition of ONW NOW. ONW NOW is a weekly news show that my school produces. For our project we had to create a show that was less than ten minutes long with an original intro, lower thirds with the names of people that appeared in it, wipes (animated transitions), game day segment, and other stories. Once we had our footage and stories edited together we had to film our own show like it was live. Overall, this experience was really fun but stressful at the same time. 

Behind The Scenes

To start the project we first had to be assigned jobs and teams. My job on my team was to a reporter, which means I go out and film stories and edit them for the show. I was able to this with my friend Sophie which made it even more fun. For my stories I decided to do a Words From The Halls segment where I went around and asked students holiday themed questions. My other story was over the Christmas time traditions of one of my fellow students. Going out filming the students and having them answer questions was so much fun because I got some really weird answers. Sophie and I also went and filmed B-Roll of the swim team, sadly only one clip from it was used. Once everyones stories were done it was time to film. The day before we did a run through so our production could learn how to use the equipment. Eventually it wartime for the real thing. We got two takes and that was it, luckily our show went great and turned out really well. I really enjoyed this project but I'm still going into entertainment..... sorry Mr. Cooper. 

Gathering New Information 

This project wasn't only fun but it was great learning experience. I had the opportunity to learn how to but together a Word From The Halls and how to do on the spot interviews. It was also really interesting to see how an actual ONW NOW is produced and all the hard work it takes. Throughout the process I was able to learn a little about how to run the equipment like teleprompter but not a lot. In a professional sense I learned how to communicate with people about filming them/coming to film better and in a more professional way. I also learned that you can't control what everyone does and if it isn't the best, that's okay , along as I did my best. Overall, this projects a create learning experience not only technically but also in a personal way.

Next Time On ONW NOW

Even though this project went really well there are still somethings I would've done differently. One thing I would've done differently is be more vocal to my group members about my thoughts on the stories and how they look. This is important in group projects so the project is the best it can be. I also I wish I spoke up about not have a job during the actual filming so I wasn't just standing there. In addition, I would add more footage to my Word From The Halls to make it longer and  more interesting. Even though there are some I would've changed there are some I would've kept the same. Overall I was really proud of my stories and how they turned out, I would keep what I did for them the same. Not only was I proud of my full stories I was also proud of my swim b-roll. The shots turned out really good and would've made a great addition to the show. Overall this was a really fun project and I'll be able to draw from the experience of not being apart of every story and having to let people do what they think is best. 

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