Tuesday, December 19, 2017


This One Took Forever

This was my final 2D animation where I had to include everything I had learned so far this year. Throughout this project I learned that sometime simplicity is key. At the beginning I started off with a story that was to complicated and cut it back or else I wouldn't finish. The original one would have had to many elements that would have to be created and animated and I just didn't have time for it, so I took parts out. In the end I'm really proud of this project and want more people to see it since I put a lot of effort in it and looks half decent. One of my greatest strengths in this project was probably creating everything in Photoshop before actually animating it. I was pretty good with the pin point tool. One of my weaknesses, however, was the walk cycle. I was able to improve, although, by adding pin points in the knees but I still need a lot of practice and work on it. One aspect about this project I would change is the walk cycle and how my clouds look. I feel like I could've done the walk cycle more smooth but just didn't have time. I'm going to use what I learned from this project to better my future projects and know what I need to work on.

I'm Somewhat Proud Of This

By creating this project, I was able to learn how to do a walk cycle for a two legged creature. I learned this skill by paying attention in class as well trial and error. Additionally, I also learned how to scan something I drew on paper into the computer. I forgot how to do a portion of the scanning so I had to have help for a classmate. I picked this project because I had some struggles with it in the beginning and couldn't get my robot looking how I wanted, I couldn't figure out the walk cycle, etc., but through my trial and error  I was able to produce an animation that I think is decent and proud of. One of my greatest strengths for this project was creativity with making my character a robot and not a human, as well as making the head spin at the end. My greatest weakness was the walk cycle because I did it backwards so I have to make my robot walk backwards. I was to improve, however, by working and focusing on making my walk cycle the best it can be. If I could change anything, I would change how my robot looks because he looks really spotty and messy and I want him to look nicer. Overall, I will use what I learned in this project whenever I'm animating something that needs to walk or move in a similar way. 

This Doesn't Completely Look Bad

By doing this project I learned so much about the animating software, Maya, and several skills as well. I learned how to create dips/a bowl shape out of cylinders, how to combine shapes, add textures using pictures, and what tool to use to align shapes. I learned these things by having to create the towers for my castle, needing to add a stone texture to walls, and making sure everything was even and neat. I picked this project because I'm really proud of how it turned out especially since I was gone when the instructions were given. My greatest strength is probably the textures even though I had some getting them to show up my first time. Once I found out what I was doing, however, it was easy from then one. One the other hand, my greatest weakness was probably creating the towers and beveling. It took me forever to figure out how to get it to work, but eventually I got it down and was able to do it pretty easily since. I'm going to use what I learned when needing add textures an surface and when I'm creating a building. One thing I would change is the size of my towers, the look really big and I don't like them. Overall this project was really fun to make. 
My Favorite 3D Project

Animating this project let me learn how to create holes in a polygon. You did this by putting cylinders through it and then taking out the spaces where they touched, creating hole. I also learned how to light an object from doing a worksheet and watching a Youtube video. I picked this project because it turned out super good and I'm proud of how well I did on it. My greatest strength in this project was lighting the object. I was able to understand the lighting really easily and caught on to it pretty fast. My weakness, however, was getting the holes to appear properly. My first few tries resulted in all . my shapes disappearing but I was eventually able to make it work. I improved on this skill by figuring out what angle for clicking worked the best. I'm going to use what I learned to light the rest of my projects in a professional, appropriate manor. I wouldn't really change anything about this project except make the plane lighter, its to dark. Overall, I'm really proud of this project and think its's one of my best. 

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